Top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin

top wordpress cryptocurrency payment plugin
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In the digital world nowadays, cryptocurrency is being recognized more and more by businesses as a form of currency that holds great potentials. Not only international brands such as Microsoft, AT&T, and Burger King but also smaller eCommerce store owners have started offering crypto as one of their payment method. And, for those who use WordPress for their businesses online, using a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin is an easy and convenient way to streamline the crypto payment process. Today, with XAIGATE, let’s discover that WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin is, how to select for the best plugin, and the top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin in 2024.

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WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin

What is a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin?

WordPress is a well-known online platforms for business owners to create and operate their eCommerce websites. After creating the business WordPress site, add products to the store, personalize its visual appearance, merchants can add in payment plugins to process payments from their customers. And, one of the types of WordPress payment plugin is top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin.

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What is a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin

Much like traditional fiat currency payment plugin, a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin is a plugin used to allow merchants to accept and process crypto payments from their customers. This type of plugin allows merchants to tap into a new customer segment who prefer to use crypto instead of fiat currencies because of crypto’s nature of privacy as well as anonymity.

>>>Read more on crypto payment gateway: What is crypto payment gateway: A comprehensive guide

In other words, Top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugins are software extensions or add-ons that allow merchants to accept crypto payments on their WordPress business websites. These plugins integrate with existing payment processing systems on WordPress to facilitate secure, fast, and seamless transactions with cryptocurrencies.

Benefits of using a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin

There are many benefits in integrating a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin into eCommerce’s checkout processes. Some of these include:

  • Global customer outreach: Installing a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin allows merchants to accept multiple forms of cryptocurrencies from consumers, drawing in customers from all over the world.
  • Seamless and easy crypto payment: A crypto payment plugin allows for a seamless and easy payment process for consumers who want to pay in crypto, thus enhancing customer experience.
  • Secure processing: A payment plugin provides services to process crypto payments, ensuring tight management, high security, and timely settlement for merchants’ crypto payments from consumers.
  • Low fees: A crypto payment plugin’s fees are low and sometimes even insignificant compared with traditional fiat currencies fees, making it an attractive option for those who want to expand their businesses without increasing the overhead cost too much.

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Benefits of using a WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin

How to select the top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin

There are quite a few WordPress plugins out there for crypto payment processing, making selecting for the best one quite challenging. There are a few factors you should take into consideration when choosing the most suitable one for your business:

  • Supported multiple cryptocurrencies: Make sure the plugin can process many different types of cryptocurrencies so you can reach as many customers as possible.
  • Fiat conversions: In case you don’t collect crypto yourself and want to convert crypto payments into fiat currencies, ensure that the plugin of choice lets you convert coins or tokens to conventional currencies.
  • Payment processing: When using crypto payment plugins that involve third-party services on their system, make sure to do thorough research and be aware that your customers may get redirected to their sites instead.
  • Security and data protection: Ensure that the plugin of choice have security measurements in place to prevent fraudulent activities as well as data breaches.

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WordPress Crypto Payment Plugin Facilitates Crypto Payments
  • Additional charges: Look closely into fees that are associated with using the plugin as some plugins don’t include transaction, network, or withdrawal fees in the pricing display.
  • User-friendliness: User-friendly UX/UI is important for you to integrate into your workflow but also for your customers to use during checkout.
  • Third-party compatibility: Make sure the plugin is compatible with your WordPress site, including its crypto theme, to prevent unexpected errors.

>>>You might be interested in: Best 4 Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway for Website

Top WordPress cryptocurrency payment gateway


XAIGATE is a leading top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin compatible with WordPress for global sales. Offering a secure and reliable plugin with extra features at an affordable price, XAIGATE is an ideal choice for businesses who are looking to expand their customer pool without increasing their overhead cost too much. Some of XAIGATE’s outstanding features include:

  • Low crypto processing fees: Competitive rate of 0.2%
  • No monthly maintenance cost
  • Easy setup: User-friendly UX/UI, can be integrated into WordPress
  • Invoice services: XAIGATE assist clients with requesting payments and processing them through our blockchain API.
  • Global payments: XAIGATE accept crypto payments from all over the world and can process multiple different types of cryptocurrencies.

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Xaigate Best WordPress Crypto Payment Plugin for Global Sales


MyCryptoCheckout is one of the Top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin that allows P2P (peer-to-peer) transactions with 0% transaction fees. The payments go directly from the consumers to merchants’ wallets without involving a third-party payment processor. Some of MyCryptoCheckout features include:

  • Transaction Fees – It incurs 0% transaction fees as merchants manage the wallets themselves without third-party involvements.
  • Supported Cryptocurrencies – 750 currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others with Fiat auto settlement.
  • Supported Integrations – Easy digital downloads and seamless integration with WooCommerce.

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Mycryptocheckout Allows for P2P Transactions


CryptoWoo provides a secure gateway to process crypto for WooCommerce stores without external redirects during checkout. Some of CryptoWoo’s special features include:

  • Frequent updates to ensure high performance
  • API integration: CryptoWoo supports many exchange rate APIs, such as Bitcoinaverage, Bitfinex, CoinCap, and GDAX.
  • Maximum order limits: Offers additional function to set maximum order amount per currency for zeroconf payments.
  • Multisite integration: CryptoWoo supports WordPress multisite option for merchants who are using it.

If you are interested in taking the step to expand your WordPress business by integrating a Top WordPress cryptocurrency payment plugin into your online websites, XAIGATE will be happy to assist you every step of the way. With our professional and passionate team of experts, you can rest assured our payment plugin will be seamlessly and securely integrated into your WordPress business workflow.

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CryptoWoo provides a secure gateway to process crypto for WooCommerce stores

>>> Learn more in information at: Top crypto payment platforms 2024

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